Saturday, August 26, 2006

Becker Said

Becker: I don't like rap music. Is that okay with you? You know, I don't like polka music either, but I like Polish sausage. I hate Chinese checkers, but I love french fries. I hate Belgian waffles, love German Shepards, can't stand English muffins. Here's a real puzzler: hate Danish cheese, love cheese Danish.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Exclusive to Seeds of Change.

Read it here FIRST!!!!

John Mark Karr went to Bangkok
in order to have plastic surgery
so he could become a lookalike for his idol..........

comedian Gilbert Gottfried.

How sick is THAT????

I Laughed 'til I Thought I'd Wet Myself

Mrs. Betty Bowers is the funniest American of this or any time. Period.

Spin Alert - Cheap Mazdas

The giant Japanese car carrier, Cougar Ace, which nearly tipped over in the Northern Pacific Ocean, has been righted. Reports indicate that there was vehicle damage on all decks, and that the vehicles will need to be resecured before the ship can continue on its voyage to a West Coast port.

The consumer protectors are warning against folks purchasing one of these damaged vehicles as they become available for sale..... but WAIT!!!!

What a great opportunity to get an SUV that has REALLY gone through some strenuous testing. I wouldn't mind owning one of these beauties, and would welcome a paint job that points out that my new vehicle is a real survivor. Especially if the price was right.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Bob Johnson visits Hotline

According to Newzjunky, Dr. Bob will appear on the Hotline Radio program today at 12:20.

It's a call-in show, so get your ears on and bring an open mind and ask some serious questions. The Hotline is on WATN - 1240 on your AM dial.

Everyone's welcome.

Separation of Church and State

Priests, ministers, pastors, rabbis, imams, religious leaders have NO place in elected government within our democracy.

Their master is their god, while the people are the master of the legislator and the executive.

There is no way that you can serve a congregation AND a constituency at the same time.

Councilman LaBouf owes it to his flock to quit the city council It is no sufficient excuse for him to exclaim that some of his best friends are women.

It is also quite ingenious to suggest that he would reveal lots of dirty little secrets about Mrs Lambert if there was not a threat of litigation for slander. He might as well say, "I would slander this person if I didn't fear that she would sue me for it and win."

Remember, Rev. Tim, it's a sin to tell a lie.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Enough is Enough!!!

America is in serious trouble, folks.

We are a people who are increasingly distrustful of our national government, while those in the government are increasingly distrustful of the people.

We are behaving like sheep, watching helplessly as huge chunks of our personal privacy and individual liberties are being swept away by a government trying to protect us from ourselves.

Personal privacy is an important component of human dignity. When is enough, enough??

Is it enough for government to compile enemy lists, suspicious of every person who criticizes some aspect of the government?

Is it enough for government to monitor your use of the internet, your telephone, or the mails?

Would you allow strip searches on public streets, mandatory curfews, restrictions against legal protests and demonstrations and marches?

Is it enough for government to install cameras and microphones on public streets?

Will it be enough when we can no longer hang blinds on our windows. or when they remove the doors from public restrooms?

Think about your personal dignity before the last shred is stripped away.

Vote for a new congress this year. Elect Bob Johnson. Tell Washington that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!

Johnson for Congress

An important message from Dr Bob.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Sunny Side UP