Separation of Church and State
Priests, ministers, pastors, rabbis, imams, religious leaders have NO place in elected government within our democracy.
Their master is their god, while the people are the master of the legislator and the executive.
There is no way that you can serve a congregation AND a constituency at the same time.
Councilman LaBouf owes it to his flock to quit the city council It is no sufficient excuse for him to exclaim that some of his best friends are women.
It is also quite ingenious to suggest that he would reveal lots of dirty little secrets about Mrs Lambert if there was not a threat of litigation for slander. He might as well say, "I would slander this person if I didn't fear that she would sue me for it and win."
Remember, Rev. Tim, it's a sin to tell a lie.
What if his church was getting some of that federal faith-based money and his church didn't have to comply with anti-discriminatory guidelines?
What if the Sunday school teacher expressed a dislike for the cultural or racial backgrounds of the newer parishioners?
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