Wednesday, December 13, 2006

So Much for Trusting the Analysts

I heard some knucklehead analyst on CNN today announce that the Iraq Study Group was commissioned by President Bush.

Uh, NO.

It was commissioned by Congress.

Commission members were apparently chosen because they were people that even GWB would trust to be fair and honest and candid. The Democrats on the panel were Leon Panetta, who served in both the Nixon and Reagan White Houses; Chuck Robb, the only Democrat to vote for all the "Contract With America" bills; Vernon Jordan, Bill Clinton's self-apponted conscience; William Perry, who had no taste for the Defense Department, or more particularly for President Clinton, and co-chair Lee Hamilton, who, as chair of the Select Committee to Investigate Covert Arms Transactions with Iran chose not to investigate Ronald Reagan or George H. W. Bush.

I guess George guessed the truth. This was a hit squad.


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