Ban Ki-moon Kofi Atta Annan Boutros Boutros-Ghali Javier Perez de Cuellar Kurt Waldheim Maha Thray Sithu PantanawU Thant Dag Hjalmar Agne Carl Hammarskjold Trygve Halvdan Lie
Former Secretary Generals of the world's most incompetent organization, the United Nations. As far as Mr. Spitzer is concerned, it takes a major miracle for any Republican to get elected in this state because of the downstate & Albany machines. Personally, I'd like to secede from New York State and create the State of North New York. We may be poor and have little political impact, but at least our lives would no longer be ruled by Downstate Dems.
Former Secretary Generals of the world's most incompetent organization, the United Nations. As far as Mr. Spitzer is concerned, it takes a major miracle for any Republican to get elected in this state because of the downstate & Albany machines. Personally, I'd like to secede from New York State and create the State of North New York. We may be poor and have little political impact, but at least our lives would no longer be ruled by Downstate Dems.
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