Shame shame shame

The Senate today is debating an amendment to the US Constitution which would, if passed, allow Congress to pass a law against the desecration of the American flag. This amendment has been considered by the last six Congresses, and although the House has always passed the amendment, it has failed each time to pass the Senate.
This follows on the heels of a debate on another amendment which would in effect ban "gay marriages." Sponsors of that amendment vow to continue to raise the issue again and again until it is passed.
The naive among us, including myself, scratch our heads and wonder why such issues consume so much time when Congress has so many more important (in my opinion) issues to consider.
Well, I just read Bob Schieffer's book This Just In: What I Couldn't Tell You on TV.
Now I understand it very well, why these doomed debates take place. Schieffer explains that issues like gun control, flag burning, social security, etc. raise HUGE amounts of money for both sides of an issue.
It seems to me that these are safe issues that appear in election years to fill the coffers of incumbents and do nothing to improve the quality of life in our country. Shame on all of those politicians who use this tactic to hold onto a safe seat.
I'm rethinking my position on term limits.
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